samedi 2 juin 2007

Jade Raymond...and ubisoft's assassin

For those who don't know who Jade Raymond is ... she's the producer of the fabulous game being developped by Ubisoft Montreal : Assassins Creed.

The game looks amazing and hopefully for ubi and gamers it will be fun...we'll see soon.

I never worked with Jade, but I've heard a lot about her in the newspapers and in discussions between developpers.

Everytime I say I worked at Ubi Montreal, guys ask me if I ever worked with Jade or if I know her personnally this is strange. People in the industry (mostly guys) totally flip out when they see her in interviews and pictures...they don't care about the discussions they watch and analyse her.

I think thats crazy... but is it really? Is Ubi using her appeal to promote Assassins Creed ?

I really hope ubisoft and Jade aren't using her image to attract people around the game. I heard that a lot of newspaper articles in Canada are focusing on Jade and how "the sexy and hot Jade Raymond is producing a game called Assassins Creed".

Journalists should really focus on the games ... we don't need to celebrate the fact that she might be (or not) a beautiful producer over the quality of a game.
I don't see how these articles help women become men's equal or help women get the respect they deserve to be where they are at.
Jade is one of the few women in the game industry and yet we focus on her face and body! I'm ashamed ... really!! When I hear people around me talking about her like that (in the industry), I feel bad.

I hope ubisoft will not promote Assassins Creed as a game made by the "hot" Jade Raymond, but on the fact that this game is revolutionary with new gameplay elements using crowds and etc...

Ubisoft as started a casual games department and I think the Jade thing is a totally opposite mentality than what they are trying to do...trying to attract people who don't play into the gaming industry.

2 commentaires:

Kim Gadbois a dit…

meilleur poste de ce blog! Merci seb! You rule!

Games and Music enthusiast a dit…

ben faut ben que qqun le dise!