vendredi 6 avril 2007

Game Ramblings : Checkpoints

Just a little rant about checkpoints in games to temporary save the status of players... I think it's great to have checkpoints in games.

Why ?

1- Because I don't feel like doing a 1-hour level all over again because I missed one jump at
the end and died.

2- Because I don't have time to do levels over and over again just because the designer
didn't care if I was a bad player ... and frankly maybe I'm not that good at some games
but I still play them because I like it ... but doing missions over and over again and hear
always the same dialogues and unskippable cinematics...that I can't take!!

3- Because I don't have so much time to play because I have other responsibilities hence I
can't redo missions over and over.

4- Because it's frustrating to have to redo challenges that I had finally passed, but then I fail
the next one and have to redo everything ... man this is painful ...

I understand that some games might have too many checkpoints in them which makes the game really easier since you only start back 2 feet away from where you died every time, but maybe developpers could implement some sort of mechanism where they would know that a certain player dies a lot in a certain area and would enable a checkpoint near this area so the player would only have to start from around this area and not from the start of the level or use difficulty settings to enable or not checkpoints so at the hardest difficulty there would be no checkpoints where as in the easiest settings there would be checkpoints everywhere.

Just my thought on this issue.

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