dimanche 13 avril 2008

Game Idea #1: Be the artist, tell the story.

**this is the first game idea I came up with I hope to continue like this for a while.
Please comment about it if you want, add something to it in the comment section.

Game Idea #1: Be the artist, tell the story.

High Concept:
I based this concept on the La Linea shorts. This series of small episodes (3-5 min) had a whining protagonist who kept demanding, the creator of his world, to draw something on screen to help him go through his day. In this game, the player will be the creator and help the character on screen to achieve his journey.

Nintendo DS

Why it needs to be made:
This game focuses on players input to create a short story. Players want to be part of the games and create stuff with the emergence of user created content this game will let them use their imagination and see what happens with their input (drawings)

This game will be in 2D and plays on the horizontal plane. It will consist of many little levels each telling a story about the character's day. The user will have to draw on screen when the character on screen needs help to accomplish a task such as walking over a hole in the scenery, interacting with a character, cutting down a tree in the way. The world will be really minimalistic consisting of a couple of lines only and players will have to use their imagination to make something out the every situation.

Why it will be fun:
Creating stories with different outcomes everytime the player replays the game since he can draw many different things to help the character. Become an artist by drawing something on screen that will come to life.

Final thoughts:
I believe choices in games and user created content are the keys to creating great games that will be played by many. This game lets players be artist. Anybody can draw a line, a cloud, etc...

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