Finally, I got to play Psychonauts for the first time ... again... the first time I went so far as to finish the basic training then I got lost and couldn't find the second part training.
This time around I really wanted to play it through. I got lost again, but this time I punched everything I could until something happened ... wow this wasn't so easy to find...something opened at some point and the story unfolded.
Finally I could start the real psychonauts and not just the camp area of the game where we almost never go to for the rest of the game.
It's been a while that I wanted to play this game that seemed so strange and never done before.
During the game you get new psychonauts powers by collecting different items. They are mostly all well used and necessary for the player to advance in the game. You get to collect many gadgets also to use like in an adventure game.
Also, if you get stuck in a puzzle you get to use your bacon item to get some information from the crazy scientist which is cool for average players.
So for the main game now : You need to travel between different minds to save those people from their own past. Each character has a mind of its own, gameplay of its own and bosses really different from each other all with a great story behind their tie.
The experience you get each time you enter a mind is really interesting and cool to play.
Its new and refreshing!
The part I liked the most was the Cops mind (looking for the milkman!) ... this was a twisted mind and this is the part where you really need to find gadgets to get through the whole level since people need those "gang" member gadgets to let you through.
Also I really like the bull fighting mind where you need to avoid the bull, fight wrestlers and fight the bull.
But the game is frustrating in some areas. It is frustrating to die over and over again in the fish level because you just don't know where to go and the air bubble moves too slow sometimes.
Also, it's really frustrating to fall 5 stories in the brain collecting level where rats run at you and explode in confusing gaz effect where you lose health because more come at you while you have no control of your character. This level is quite confusing since you don't see where to go ... fortunately sometimes there is a catlike character that appears to let you know that there might be a way there.
The last level is way too hard compared to the rest of the game with the boss shooting at you with fire arrows while you need to run fast since you'll drown fast ... so you need to really hurry up which never happened in previous levels and the bosses are just tough and bah!
The game as taken me something like 14 hours to complete which is a good length for such a game.
Try it ... its good :)
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