jeudi 25 septembre 2008

Back...little reviews

Finally got my internet connection back at home ... so will be updating soon with game ideas.

For now here are some thoughts on some games i've played lately:

Braid :
This is a great platformer. I liked the art direction which is always good for the eyes, the story is innovative from a Super Mario perspective (save the princess) and the music could be listened to at any time to reflex ... it fits so well in the universe. Some of the puzzles are really hard when you dont look carefully or try something you would have never thought you could do (which makes the game clever and refreshing) and when you get the puzzle you feel great about yourself. Every world is different and new. I really liked the world where you use your shadow to solve puzzles. The last world (world 1) is so different from the game since its action oriented and makes sense to finish the game... overall i really enjoyed!

Star wars Force Unleashed (ps3):
The story is awesome ... worth playing the game just for the cinematics and story that links all movies! All levels that include vegetation graphically are just badly done. There are a lot of graphical bugs in the game. The bosses are great to play against (hard and all different), but way too easy once you find their weakness (especially darth vader). Anyway its cool to fight all those jedis. The powers are cool and its fun to be this dark side jedi. Gameplay might become redundant pretty fast. Ending is great! if you like Star Wars you'll like the story of the game ... at least!

Bionic Commando Rearmed (360):
Great graphics. I like the hacking mini-game since the puzzles are unique and randomized. I know the levels were taken from the original and they didnt change them at all but ... they should have... I die so many times because the levels with spikes under the jumps or dying zones makes me angry ... levels are too hard because of the bad controls. I'm playing on the 360 so I dont know if the controls are as bad on the ps3, but they dont seem to give me the right output for the arm when I press diagonally or ... Dpad sucks so much on the 360 compared to ps3 that makes those levels almost impossible. With so littles lives (3) at start, its too hardcore for me ... I would really enjoy the game if I wouldnt die so easily and stupidly!

Vikings Battle for Asgard :
Good hack and slash (button mashing anyways). I've finished the first area and since everything after is just the same ... i stopped. I had fun during most of the game except the stealthy part at the end of the first area where you need to get the amulet powered on in the village where thousands of soldiers are waiting to kick your butt. Since there are no real stealth mechanic, the player will sufer trying to get to the spot unnoticed ... which is almost impossible ... frustrating since the hud doesnt help nor the third person view. Enjoyable for a while anyways.

thats it for now. next on the list : viva pinata 2, ratchet call for booty, mercs 2, mega man 9, eden, echochrome, ninja gaiden 2 and Dark Sector ( wow too many games to play at home...)

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