mardi 27 novembre 2007

Difficulty in games

I read David Jaffe's comments about difficulty in games :
and how he hates it when designers make a game difficult.

He says he doesnt want to be challenged when he plays games, he hates difficulty curves in games and how games should be all easy to go through and fun...

I'm really with him on this point, cuz I'm usually playing on Easy mode at some games if they're too difficult since I'm playing a game to have fun and forget about my bad days (or whatever) not be frustrated at the tv. I'm playing hardcore games when I need to, but ...

It's just weird hearing it from mr. Jaffe though ... who produced God Of War ... who had the most difficult and frustrating level in a game ever!!! I just hated that walking on the edge thing and going up that chopping moving column, anyways ...

Some games make it hard just to make it hard because some designers thought it had to be hard to be fun ... thats why we have difficulty settings for those "hardcore" gamers who want it hard in life and enjoy a big challenge (i.e. COD 4 on veteran setting).

Like I said before in my posts about this issue ... I want to have fun and I dont have enough time to play over and over the same areas because its just too hard !!!

So you are right mr. jaffe! (but you dont have to use those CAPS) ;)

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