mardi 24 juillet 2007

Gears of War

I just played through (im at the last boss battle) the game.

I really enjoyed it.

I liked the graphics : character models are great, the environment is well done (good covers and fits the architecture), the setting felt great. But I felt that sometimes they put a little too much gloss on some walls -> water on walls was too flashy i think.

the game is not only about graphics like some people have said...
- the cover system is great : it feels great and believable, all the options you have to move
to other cover spots or run or jump over obstacles.
- the protect your friend with the light gameplay is enjoyable yet not used for long (1 min)

-the diversity of enemies (even though sometimes they look like your friends when far

-the different paths that you can take might give us a reason to go back to try out other

But... sometimes the AI is dumb : I hated Dom when he kept standing in front of the Berserker and kept dying over and over. I had to ask someone to play as Dom for that scene!!

I liked the game ... needs more huge bosses other than the spider thing.


1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Yes its a great game I love playing Gears online.